
Organizations that use data to drive the development of their leadership-development initiatives are in a better position to target the learning directly to the needs of their employees and ensure that they see a measurable return on their investment. Reaching out to leaders and employees and collecting their input generates interest in improving leadership capabilities, creates buy-in for learning and development efforts, and gives members of the organization a voice in the process. It also shows them that the organization understands the value of investing in people and helping them grow.

The Leadership Competencies Need Analysis is an ideal tool for organizations that want to

  • identify the leadership competencies that need to be strengthened within the organization.
  • determine which specific competencies should be prioritized as part of a learning program, competency model, or training curriculum.

This electronic assessment is a great way for organizations to pinpoint the skill areas that leaders or high-potential employees need to develop most. The data provides insights into leader behaviors that drive bottom-line results and sustain growth and can also be stratified across leadership levels to identify and meet your organization’s unique needs.

The report generated upon your group’s completion of the survey will provide your organization with an overview of the results and ideas on how to best utilize the information contained in the report as you move forward with developing a learning curriculum for your organization.

Key Features

  • Digital access for members of your organization to complete the survey.
  • Comprehensive analysis of the survey results by a CMOE consultant.
  • Summary report of quantitative data with key insights and findings relevant to your organizational needs.
  • CMOE-facilitated data review and discussion to help stakeholders and learning and development personnel understand competency needs and where they can focus development efforts for quick wins.

Recommended Audience Groups

  • Individual contributors who can provide input on leadership needs
  • All levels of leadership:
    • Aspiring leaders
    • New or recently promoted leaders
    • High-potential leaders
    • Senior leaders and executives

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